Thursday, May 8, 2014

COCONUT OIL!!!!!!! How did I live without it???

I've recently been looking into the benefits of Coconut Oil... WOW!!

Not only is this great for your body outside, but great on the inside too!! 

Consuming a Coconut Oil (
minimum of 4 Tbsp of a day are FREE calories!) can actually increase your fat burning,

Healthy Chocolate Bites

YUM!!!  I made the yummiest dessert for a great chocolate substitute without sugar or yucky ingredients! SWEET!

I found the recipe on my new favorite website called Little Choices Matter. There are lots of recipes to choose from and they are all delicious! I've tried quite a few now and they are TOTALLY worth checking out!

This one is called Healthy Chocolate Bites, try it - you'll love it!