It's a new year and one I'm quite thankful for. While some are ready to leave 2013 in the dust, I'm thankful for all we've learned and overcome in the last 12 months to provide us with a fresh start, more wisdom and knowledge to the next 12!
Last July I received some horrific news on my part and it really
set me back emotionally, but also gave me the strength and determination to take charge over my health. After 11 years, that kidney test was THE WORST!
And the funniest thing was that it came just after I had reached pure frustration over my body image, body shape, and the money I had invested into trying to get 'thin'.
I was ready for a complete change. I have one kidney and that kidney needs to function at an optimal capacity, not a minimal one.
So I started from scratch - 2 fruits a day, 2-3 8oz servings of FRESH vegetables a day, lean meats and eggs for protein and upped my water from 8-8oz glasses a day to a minimum of 16-8oz glasses a day.
What a change! It was tough at first, but I knew once I overcame the fleshly temptations and cravings I could do this.
Why? Because when God instills something so deep inside of me that I know it in my 'knower' - I can do ALL things with His strength. So leaning on Him in my weaknesses, was the best and easiest thing to do. And that's what I did.
I re-evaluated my supplements, made changes and additions where needed and set out on my quest to eliminate all processed sugar from my diet, flush out the toxin from my kidney and feed my body with health (to the best of my knowledge) and was open to learning more along the way.
I had more energy, felt happier and less stressed and I lost weight like I was shedding!! YAY!
A great thing too, by taking out ALL wheat in my diet the inflammation in my back had improved SO much that I rarely was having sciatica issues or numbness in my feet/toes - you have NO idea how amazing this is after YEARS of dealing with this and being told you're not 'bad' enough to do anything to help, but here, have a narcotic Rx or take Ibuprophen (Ummm, news flash - I have one kidney and Ibuprophen has caused severe stress in the past and left me unable to take anymore and I'm a recovered drug addict who now HATES the feeling of the high of a narcotic).
So I was left to learn how to mentally manage the pain and 'deal' with it so it speak. So to have rare occasions of numbness and sciatica pain was MORE than amazing - it was... FREEING!!!
And not only that, my stomach issues were improving too!!!
Wheat is a slow poison to my body in these two areas - so it's my choice to poison myself or be free...
I also noticed I had less headaches... I had to research this one - sugar. Sugar LOVES to cause inflammation in the lower neck/back of the head area... BINGO!
So not only am I feeling better, looking better, thinking more clearly - but I'm actually eliminating common aches and pains that I was constantly invaded by... SWEET!
In October we retested my kidney and, thank you LORD, that my levels had fallen back down into normal ranges! Excitement does not even begin to express how I felt....
Around this time we had to start making some dietary and supplemental changes for hubby too, so this became our Family Quest for health. John started experiencing emotional and physical improvements and we saw great changes in Timothy through mental clarity at school and his behaviors at home - HALLELUJAH!!!!
And then the holidays hit....
We received cookies and treats from loved ones and friends that wanted to bless us with their sweets, truly gifts from the heart - most unaware of our recent accomplishments in canceling these items from our diets.
Knowing we were on their hearts and minds was the greatest blessing - not once did I give in to the temptation of consuming any of them, but the boys enjoyed them (maybe a little TOO much, LOL).
Knowing hubby's 'sweet tooth' dilemma and determined to stay on our healthy quest - I sought out to find recipes that were sweet, yummy and excluded 'sugar', 'wheat', 'corn', and 'rice'... You'd be surprised at the amount of FABULOUS recipes there are out there!!! I started an entire binder of them and couldn't even contain them in my regular recipe binder!!!
I did great in making lots of treats and desserts, but the outside gifts, influences, and temptations took another hand in our lives and its truly evident that in our family, sugar is not a friendly or overall welcomed guest in this home - period.
Its highly evident in Timothy's behaviors and mental clarity (especially noticeable last week when I was home with him) and in added body inflammation through physical aches and pains throughout the family.
I'm not feeling so clear mentally, I caught a horrid cold and physically I'm noticing the same odd pudginess that has crept back into my midsection (my physician and I determined previously that my body was doing this out of protection to my kidney, this is NOT a normal place that I gain extra weight), I have only put on a couple of pounds (literally), yet I'm not feeling 'right'.
It's time to 'clean house' again so to speak and to put things back into perspective. While the boys do not need to eat as strictly as I do, the sugar causes massive changes in personalities and behaviors and physical ailments - it's time for this 'guest' to LEAVE and for us to give 2014 the best start possible.
As for me, I was good - remember? No sugar, no wheat! But I indulged in honey and agave treats/desserts - these are still 'sugars', whether healthy or not. And I'm beginning to think they are apparently NOT good for me and my overworked kidney... So back to the basics for me and time for another kidney and liver cleanse.
I'm sure having honey or agave items occasionally are totally ok, but they have been more than that over the past couple of months. And lets face it - when it boils down to fleshly desires vs my desire to live...
I don't want to live ravished with aches & pains or even the possibility of living on dialysis - I want to live my life to the fullest; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. So when I weigh the outcome to my choices - when I say I choose 'life', I really mean it.
I've been criticized, heard comments that weren't very compassionate or sensitive to my situation, and repeatedly have heard the famous word, 'diet'...
[[NEWS FLASH]] I'm NOT on a DIET... I'm eating for my HEALTH.
So, for now I won't eat any of my meals outside of our home until I know that 1) my body is back in recovery mode and 2) the people I'm sharing a meal with (out in public or in their home) will take the time to understand and care about where I'm at with my health instead of being frustrated by me or my food choices.
I love my life and my boys.
But trust me, I love my life and my boys EVEN MORE when we are all living in mental clarity, emotional health and with less physical ailments of pain.
And so, thought I may feel that I'm walking this road alone with my boys - I'm walking it regardless of what other people think.
2014, bring it on, because I can do this because God is my strength in all I do! =)
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