I've recently been looking into the benefits of Coconut Oil... WOW!!
Not only is this great for your body outside, but great on the inside too!!
Consuming a Coconut Oil (minimum of 4 Tbsp of a day are FREE calories!) can actually increase your fat burning,
increase energy, decrease cravings, and so much more!!
I've also fallen in love with using it as a body moisturizer right after my shower (but be careful - a little goes a long way!) and a weekly hair treatment has blessed my lovely locks more than I can even explain!!
But this will help explain it better than I can:
"We believe that extra virgin coconut oil can boost energy, while decreasing cravings for carbohydrates and sweets. It is known to stimulate metabolism, improve digestion, and release fat cells. It also gently stimulates the thyroid."
"You don’t need to count the calories in coconut oil. The oil is used for energy in our bodies and not stored as fat. Most notice a loss in inches but some do see a loss in fat as well."
Information shared from Little Choices Matter (LCM)- The Coconut Miracle!
Sweet, huh? Uh-huh!
Information shared from LCM - How does Coconut fit into a diet?
"Medium chain triglycerides have been shown to improve your health. Watch this video on a test on Alzheimer’s patients. Check out the microwave post and the “Choose Wisely” to pick the best coconut oil for your health. We recommend not microwaving your coconut oil as seen in this video."
Information shared from LCM - Another Great Benefit to Coconut Oil
Extra (quick) info: Take 1 - One minute for your health: Coconut Oil - YouTube Video
BUT remember to choose your coconut oil wisely! Not all are made the same (just like any product), for more information on what will help you and not hurt you, click here: Choose Wisely - Coconut Oil
And don't forget about MCT Oil - this stuff is FAB-U-LOUS!
"When I first started using MCT Oil I really noticed an increase of energy so I make sure and use it every day. I use MCT oil if I need the oil to be a liquid and I use coconut oil if it can be in a hard state or if it’s cooked or baked in. Coconut oil will harden (melts at 76°F) so it won’t work well in salad dressings, etc. so then I use MCT Oil. I love to cook with coconut oil on the stove. I like the flavor and it’s a great way to get it into my daily diet. I also occasionally bake with it and always use it in my popcorn. YUM!"
Information shared from LCM - Every Kitchen Should Have MCT Oil
But what about Coconut Milk? The ones you buy in cartons/jugs have SO many extra ingredients and added sugars - you're best going with CANNED Coconut Milk. But with so many options, where do you start? Start with the one with the least ingredients! HA! =) Here's a quick tip from LCM - Choose Wisely - Coconut Milk
Lots of links, I know, but I wanted to make sure I had all of the best information in ONE place when I want to go back and reference it - Here's to you and your coconut oil!
SKIN - oh how we want to take good care of our skin, right? There are SO many great benefits and uses of Coconut Oil!!!
"Pure, organic, unrefined coconut oil does not evaporate immediately like water, but is able to penetrate into the cell structure to form a protective layer against damaging free radicals.
Here are some other benefits for your skin:
- Coconut oil moisturizes. A 2004 study conducted by the Makati Medical Center’s Department of Dermatology in the Philippines concluded that “Coconut oil is as effective and safe as mineral oil when used as a moisturizer.” Coconut oil improves skin hydration and increases skin surface lipid levels.
- Coconut oil fights acne and other skin conditions. The lauric acid found in coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. A bioengineering grad student from UC San Diego confirms that the natural byproducts of coconuts fight acne when applied directly to the skin. People in the tropics have long used coconut oil to treat everything from eczema and diaper rash to psoriasis and fungal infections.
- Coconut oil eradicates signs of aging like wrinkles and liver spots. Coconut oil reduces our need for Vitamin E, fights free radicals, strengthens the skin’s underlying connective tissues, helps prevent sun damage, and hasn’t been stripped of its natural components through the refining process, says Biochemist Dr. Ray Peat."
"Amy’s Top 10 uses for Coconut Oil!
- Face and body lotion- its great for sensitive skin! I have some bad eczema on my arms and feet and it helps relieve the symptoms. Also, I have acne prone skin and my skin has cleared up since switching to just coconut oil as face lotion.
- Homemade deodorant- you can find the recipe here.
- Homemade lip balm- recipe here
- Cooking- its a great and healthy oil! 1:1 ratio
- Homemade soap- recipe to come
- Deep conditioner- If I know I am going to take a shower in an hour or so I will take some coconut oil and rub it well into the roots of my hair and let it set. Then shampoo and condition like normal (usually shampooing twice to make sure there isn't any oil left on my scalp).
- Make up remover- it takes off mascara and moisturizes your eyes and the same time. It works super well!
- Frizz fighter- at the end of my shower I put less that a dime size of oil on my hands and rub it into my hair. Works great to get rid of frizzy hair.
- Body Scrub- Mix coconut oil and sugar together and scrub up your body and rinse to reveal soft luxurious skin!
- Healing- Coconut oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties. So when applied to cuts and scrapes can help protect them and heal them faster.
Those are just the top 10 ways I use coconut oil and I hope you love it as much as me! There are like 100 more ways you can use it. The list never ends! Please feel free to share any wonderful ideas!"
Information shared from the blog A Blossoming Life: 10 Uses for Coconut Oil
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