Saturday, January 18, 2014


One of our absolutely FAVORITE dishes is the 'Melt in Your Mouth Chicken' or sometimes called 'Parmesan Chicken'.

It's easy, quick, and DE-LICIOUS!


  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese - grate yourself (don't take a perfectly healthy meal add top it with already grated cheese full of chemicals and starches!!))
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt - Full fat/plain - if the yogurt is too thick, mix with a small amount of organic milk (regardless of the non-fat hype, trust me FULL FAT is better for many reasons! 1.non-fat/low fat has tons of extra chemicals and bad ingredients to make up for what it's lacking & 2.this is a GOOD fat and the more good fat you give your body the easier it will give up and get rid of the BAD fats)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt (I use sea salt)
  • 1/2 tsp pepper (I use freshly ground, but any pepper is good)
Spread mixture over chicken breasts (I prefer chicken tenders), bake at 375-400 degrees for 30-45 mins (cook longer for breasts, shorter for tenders).

Served with a side of Broccoli Bites - Super Yum! Or some freshly steamed Green Beans!! My mouth is watering already! 

Super yummy! Hope you enjoy!

Here's a few fun links for you to check out too!
The GOOD Fats List
NUTRITION - Top 13 Lies That Made the World Sick and Fat
BASIC 102 - INGREDIENTS LIST-Nutrition Facts Guide

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