Saturday, January 25, 2014

Thought I forgot, huh? NOPE! Here you go!

In continuation to my last blog GOOD TO KNOW!!!:
But not all starches are created equal!! Some Starches are lower in grams and are consumable occasionally or in moderation, like... 

This is where we left off and I hope it got you thinking and reading those NUTRITION and INGREDIENT labels!

Here's a link to a great cheat sheet to help with some basics, and it has a fun twist to it too:
 INGREDIENTS List and Nutrition Facts.

When we're talking about Starches and Carbs we will inevitable come to talk about glycemic load, which we briefly touched on in our last posting Good to Know!! 

Here's a good illustration to explain what a real food piragram should look like:

At this link you'll find more specifics on each level: Low Carb Food Guide. Basically the lower the starch, the lower the carbohydrates which makes it a low glycemic index.

I also have a fun sheet that briefly lays out the best foods to eat on my Gdrive: ((Hit the link listed at the top right of this blog titled What to Eat and Where to Start)) and if you want MORE information you can always check out my Basic 102 - Additional Eating for Your Health Information

These are just things I've learned and acquired and want to share because it's TRUE, because it's been life changing for me, because for the first time in over 10 years I can go a day without PAIN and INFLAMMATION that ravished my body for years!!

And I JUST turned 40! I'm still young and I still deserve to live my life to fullest!! So in turn, I want to share these things with YOU! And BONUS, I've lost massive weight and inches - from 165lbs to 125lbs... 

Yes, I've used a few supplements and additions along the way, but only to promote my health - there's a subject we can dive into in our next posting. But just making THESE changes to start with, will be life changing for you and your families too.

I know 2 people personally who've changed their eating habits like noted in the What to Eat and Where to Start and one lost 10lbs in a month and the other lost 20lbs in a month!!!! IT WORKS, IT HELPS, IT HEALS, JUST DO IT! haha, had to add that. :)

Here are few more weblinks of information if you're interested: 

If it feels overwhelming - start small and build you way up. Start with your water intake - do you know how much water you should REALLY drink in a day??? Nope. It's NOT 8 8ounces of water a day - it's a minimum of 16 8ounces of water a day.

Yes I said minimum because for every caffeinated beverage you consume, you really need to add another 8ounces of water to refuel and rehydrate your body.

Ok, that's a lot for today - soak it in and let me know how you're doing on your journey!

Don't forget to sign up to follow me by email at the top of my page and check out the links I've listed for you on my side bar, especially the Recipes I've collected, this is a great place to start!!

Be blessed and eat clean! Your life depends on it! 
The 'Healthy' Buff's

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